Travel Sukamade Beach (Turtle Conservation) Banyuwangi
Sukamade beach is located in 97 km to the southwest darikota Banyuwangi beach is quite far from the city center Banyuwangi, not all vehicles can go to the beach. For those of you who spirited challenge and adventure Sukamade beach is perfect for you to test, the access road is fairly extreme adrenalin will spur the tourists who will be heading to the beach.the way we will pass through limestone mountains with a variety of trees.
Before it reached the coast, dubbed the turtle nests we will pass 2 beach is the beach and the gulf coast Rajegwesi green (green bay banyuwangi). Arriving there we will find the turtle breeding, the tourists can witness the turtles laying eggs until the turtle back to the sea to join the turtle release chicks already menetas.jika night we can menyakksikan broodstock turtles laying eggs. There are four species of sea turtles that can be encountered from 6 turtles that are in Indonesia, namely: Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas), turtle Slengkrah (Lepidochelys olivaceae), Hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) and the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriaceae).but turtles are often landed on the beach Sukamade this is the Green Turtle.turtle turtle released into the sea will be returned to captivity after a few years.
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